FIFA 16's gameplay is going to be a bit divisive, then, so it's a good job that its buoyed by a number of positive design choices and additional content off the pitch. As always, the title's presentation is stellar, and menus are slick, easy to use, and engaging.Together with real world news updates, customisable main menu panels ensure that every time you boot the game up, you're presented with stuff that gets you into Fifa 17 Coins the right footballing mindset almost immediately.
It's an impressive achievement, and something that FIFA gets absolutely right every single year. Ultimately though it's hard to argue if people say EA are going through the motions and have called this one in. Ask a mate what the five main improvements are from 15 to 16 and see how long it takes them to cobble together a solid list.
I'd have happily paid £10 for Buy Fifa Coins the small additions and updates and carried on with FIFA 15. It seems fitting that Jordan Henderson is this year's cover star because it'll always feel like you're taking control of Liverpool's averagely fast and averagely strong midfielder - no matter which player you've picked.